Blake Henderson is a passionate and dedicated Kansas City native yogi. He began his practice in 2010, and ever since, yoga has been his foundation for a healthy and grounded life. Yoga opened his eyes to the incredible healing capability of the human body: it’s always regenerating itself. Through his own personal transformation that came in the form of physical healing through practicing yoga asanas and a deeper sense of peace and oneness that came from the mindfulness component of a yoga practice, he felt called to inspire others to better care for themselves and those around them by incorporating yoga into their daily lives. 

Along with teaching yoga, he also practices bodywork and has many years of experience helping people create balance in their bodies through building awareness and corrective exercise. He believes healing is an inside job and yoga gives the practitioner priceless information that facilitates intuitive wellness. His classes are uplifting, rooted in science and full of compassion. He greets his students with a big smile on the way in to class and cherishes the glowing smiles he receives after class. The communal joy that yoga creates motivates him to keep showing up and giving his all for the betterment of the greater whole.